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Woodland Elves


This group of Highones came to the forest to learn about the birds and bugs, the animals, and the plants of this region. They shaped their bodies and their minds in order to better understand the things they were studying, and some even experimented physically with the animals. One of those Highones, a male named Kieran, mated with a wolf. The wolf had a litter of two cubs, twin girls Raynah and Twitchear. These were the only offspring known to the Highones to be had with the animals of this planet. Like Timmorne they were very wolf like, but unlike timmorne, their father Kieran wasn't as far gone into being a wolf as Timmain was when they were conceived. Because of this, they had a little more elf blood in their veins. They inherited the ability to shape change from their father, and if they felt more like a wolf, they were a wolf. If they felt like an elf, they were more like an elf, but with a slight fuzz that covered their skin from top to bottom. These children grew up with the tribe and even recognized. They had many children, though not all of them lived. There are only a few wolf blooded elves in the tribe because of this. Some of the children of the wolf blooded decided they didn't fit in, and went away to live with the wolves, never to be seen again. Most of the tribe are full blooded elves, using their magic to protect the woods and all the things that live in it. They are similar to the human Willowgreen lived with for a while after her ordeal in the river. Animals come to them to be healed, They know everything about the edible and healing abilities of the plants, and have a deep respect for any life. Because of this respect for life these elves have, it is the wolf blooded ones that do most of the hunting.

They call a  secret clearing in the woods home. The clearing is located on an overhang of rock they call Snake Tongue Falls. Their source of water is a small waterfall that comes from the top of a small mountain on the north side of their clearing. This small mountain provides the water as well as protection. The fall comes down to land on the edge of the overhang and then into a small river. Over the centuries it has worn away at the rock of the overhang, forming what looks like a snakes tongue. The river comes from within the mountain and an underground source. It protects their eastern side, coming right up to and under the overhang, and provides fish and sometimes fun. Their overhang clearing is at the top of a hill, and the rest of it is surrounded by a slightly dense vegetation. 

They build huts made of bent and shaped branches, and covered with oiled leathers. These huts are slightly raised off of the ground by rock shapers to keep the standing water from rain out. The wolf blooded elves live in caves shaped into the side of the mountain by the same rock shapers. They feel more at home there.

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