When the Highones landed on this planet they separated into different groups and went, on
their own, to live in different places. All knowing where they would be going ahead of time, this group of elves came
to live in the plains. A barren place with nothing but tall grass in all directions, a constant wind and sparse of trees.
Cold at night, and never above warm in the day these elves became tough (though not as tough as their snow elf cousins.).
These elves live in huts made of leather because they are easy to take down and move, and have herds of horses as companions
and to help move their supplies.
They lived in peace for the first year. Until humans, in their travels to their winter
camp, found them. There was a brief fight and the elves fled, leaving most everything behind. It was then with nothing but
their horses and their weapons on hand, that they decided to keep one foot ahead of the humans. They started to do like
them, and travel from one camp to the next. Never living in one spot for the humans to locate. In the summer months, they
lived in the open plains, under the sun and in the wind with the openness as a special kind of protection. One they could
use to spot oncoming threats. In the winter months, they moved to the edge of a great forest that they discovered the humans
were afraid of, using the humans fear of the forest against them. Also using the forest for easy food foraging and extra cover
from the snow. They are very adept at the bow and Javelin. Rarely will you find a sword, but a few do have them incase they
come upon humans and have to fight them. The swords are past down from generation to generation. The tribe hasn't had
a new sword since they lost track of the traveling elves that used to bring special supplies and information from other tribes. Only
two Highones survived in this group, but they survived long enough to create quite a tribe.
At one point in the tribes history they ran into a group of Forest dwelling elves
that had bonded with the forest creatures. In this tribe there was the blood of wolves, though only a few had it. One of the
elves in the plains elf group recognized one of the Forest dwellers and had a child. Now there is wolf blood (though a little
diluted) in a few of the Plains elves. These elves tend to be a little wilder then the rest of the tribe, but are the best