Character: Curley Age:
16 Sex: (M) or F Soulname:
Unknown Position in tribe: none yet Secondary
Position: Preserver Name:
Pale blonde, cut very short, extremely curley Eyes: Yellow-green Skin tone: pale Magical abilities (If Any): Marks/Scars: Weapons: Learning the spear
Special Posessions: Horse whip passed to
him by his father, from his father's father...
Family Relations
Mother: Mistwalk Father: Jahr Sibling
(If any): Sister: Whip
Garments and Accesseries (Describe color and design to best of ability. Incude jewlery and trinkets.):
Jade green leather vest, boots, belt with silver buckle, Slate colored leather breeches and thin slate colored head band.
Abilities and Skills(Please bold any that
apply, put stars next to specialties, delete those not used)
Animal bonding - horses** Cord/Rope
making Direction Sence First Aid - Animal - horses (learning) Mimicry (Horses) ** Riding
- horses**
History and Personality of Elf:
Curley was born with extremely curley hair and the name stuck. He hates it and an't wait for his
adult name. He has an afinity for horses and looks forward to training them by himself. He is being trained by his fathr now
and helps with the feeding and grooming.
