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Light CIS


Character: Light 
Age: 12
Sex: (M) or F
Soulname: Unknown
Position in tribe: Chief's son
Secondary Position:
Preserver Name:

Hair: Golden
Eyes: Green
Skin tone: Pale
Magical abilities (If Any): Unknown 
Marks/Scars: None
Weapons: Tall sling shot

Special Posessions: a finger bone necklace his father gave him. The finger is from a human that owed a debt to his father and paid it with is hand. 

Family Relations

Mother: Tishka
Father: Wink
Sibling (If any): Sister: Mistwalk
                       Brother: Cloudhand          

Garments and Accesseries (Describe color and design to best of ability. Incude jewlery and trinkets.): A green leather vest with yellow design on the front, dark tan pants with a thick yellow strip that twists around both legs and meets at his lower back. Dark blue leather boots and arms bands, black belt with silver buckle. Finger bone necklace.  

Abilities and Skills(Please bold any that apply, put stars next to specialties, delete those not used) 

Carving - Wood or Stone
Climbing - Rock & Tree
Hiding/Stealth - learning
Tracking - learning 
Wrestling - learning
History and Personality of Elf:
Light is young yet, but knows who he is. He is confidant, trust worthy and quick to learn. He loves his father and looks up to his brother. He is proud that Cloudhand is going to take over for his father someday.

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Nothing on this site is true ElfQuest... It is all made up by me but with the same begining history.
"Elfquest art copyright 2002 Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved."