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Mistwalk CIS


Character Name: Mistwalk 
Age: 350
Sex: M or (F)
Soulname: Undeterminde
Position in tribe: Dancer
Secondary Position: Chief's eldest daughter
Preserver Name:

Dark Slate grey
Eyes: Dark Slate
Skin tone: Pale
Magical abilities (If Any): None 
Marks/Scars: None
Weapons: Throwing Daggers

Special Posessions: A knife given to her by her father

Family Relations

Mother: Tishka
Father: Wink
Sibling (If any): Brother: Cloudhand
                       Brother: Light 

Lifemate: Jahr
Children (If any - list Male or Female): Son: Curley
                                                       Daughter: Whip

Garments and Accesseries (Describe color and design to best of ability. Incude jewlery and trinkets.): Deep berry colored silk halter top that ties in the back and is connected to a gold loop around her neck. Blood red ankle length silk skirt with a slit up to her hip, a deep berry wist band and yellow tassles that have beads on the ends. Yellow silk sleeves that are held on by Deep berry colored leather braides around her upper arms. A pale green cloth bandana, Pale green knee high leather boots with Deep berry colored strips criss-crossing up and down. Gold hoop earings, one in each ear.

Abilities and Skills(Please bold any that apply, put stars next to specialties, delete those not used) 

Carving - Wood or Stone
Clay working
Dancing **
Jewelry/Trinket making  
Riding - horses **
Self defence 
Throwing **
History and Personality of your elf: 
She is lifemated to Jahr and has two children. She was first born to Wink and Tishka but according to their laws, she will not be allowed to take over after her father. That is left to the oldest boy, her brother Cloudhand. She is fine with this. She feels women shouldn't lead and is happy in her duties as a dancer, brining in money and trinket for her clan as others go out and pick-pocket the stupid humans.

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