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Stillwater CIS


Character Name: Stillwater 
Soul Name:

Gender: Female
Age: ?
Tribe Position: Healer
Secondary Tribe Position: Mother 
Magical Abilities: flesh shaping and healing
Mother: Symbols
Father: Current
Sister: White-Wave
Lifemate: Calder
Daughter: Lynn
Son: Tallou
Grand children: Nerissa, Maris and Melusine

Physical Attributes:
Eyes: Blue
Hair: silvery/turquoise lower back in length and flowy, she wears a shell comb on the left and right side of her face
Skin tone: pale 
Height:  from head to tip of tail - 6'3''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: purple/blue tail with turqouise and whit fins. A sea weed top with blue tassels
Jewelry: a silver bracelet on her tail and sea weed earings
Special Possessions:

Child Sitting
Decorative: General (as in jack-of-all trades)
Direction Sense
Dream Interpretation
First Aid
Fishing: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Gathering: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Herbal Healing: Elves or Animals
Herbal Healing: Application/Usage
Herbal Healing: Aromatherapy


Stillwater was one of the original elves to go into the water after the humans found them. When they did, she asked her mother for a tail so she could swim easier and she came to love it.She is much like her mother, very calm, soft spoken and keeps to herself. She is very devoted to her lifemate though she has had her share of lovemates in the past. She tries to stay out of her children's lives unless they need her, or come to her first. She is definitely not a meddler in other peoples business. She inherited her mother's gift of flesh shaping, but no one knows it except her Lifemate and her mother because she has had rare occasion to use it.

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