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Melusine CIS


Character Name: Melusine
Soul Name:

Gender: Female
Age: 10
Tribe Position: healper 
Secondary Tribe Position:
Magical Abilities:
Mother: Risa
Father: Tallou
Brother and sister: Nerissa and Maris

Physical Attributes:
Eyes: Gold
Hair: black and curley lower back length, she wears a simple head piece made of perals and a sea shell on the left side of her face.
Skin tone: pale
Height: 3'5''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: turquoise, very soft leather suit with billowy sleeve and purple coral bead accents. turquoise soft leather leggings with purple trim and purple coral bead accents, and pale "fins"
Special Possessions:

Decorative: decorating leathers and baskets 
Tanner/Seamstress  (when she gets older)


Melusine was the third of the triplets to be born and was a complete surprise. Unfortunately multiple births are very rare among the elves and Melusine was small and very weak. She had to be cared for constantly until she was stronger so Stillwater helped as much as she could with the three of them. To this day she is a sickly child. She is a complete daddy's girl, always trying to go were ever he goes, and avoids her siblings as much as possible. Don't get me wrong, the triplets do have the special bond that only children born like that have, but it is rarely called upon. She is also very close to her grandmother Stillwater, and plans on being a tanner when she grows up and give the clan wonderful things to wear. she loves to gather pearls and pretty shells and already has made a couple of things for a few of the clan. She hates to get dirty and loves to help her mother (the tanner)
Her name means "The Water Farie"

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