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Risa CIS


Character Name: Risa
Soul Name: 

Gender: Female
Age: 1000+
Tribe Position: Tanner
Secondary Tribe Position: mother
Magical Abilities: None
Lifemate: Tallou
Daughter: Nerissa
Son: Maris
Daughter: Melusine

Physical Attributes
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black, cropped short except for two braids framing her face that are down to her rib cage.
Skin tone: Slightly tan
Height: 5'10''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories
Clothes and Colours: Dark green halter with shells on her breasts and two strings of pearls dangling below, a dark green loincloth type skirt held together by three snap shell shells on each hip. She wears short swim boots that are dark green.   
Jewelry: a coral bracelet
Special Possessions:

Crafting: Spears and Javelins 
Child Sitting
Direction Sense
First Aid: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Fishing: Net fishing and spear fishing 
Hunting: deer
Gathering: exotic shells

Short spear 

Animal Bond:
Name: Splash
Gender: Male
Type of Bond Animal:  Sea Tortoise
Characteristics: large and dark green and grey
Personality: friendly and helpfull

Risa means "Laughter" and boy does that name fit. She is always in a good mood, except for when the "twins" do something bad, and loves to create things for her clan to wear; she is the tanner. She is very proud of Melusine and the fact that she wants to fallow in her mothers wake. She is already teaching Melusine the tricks of the trade, and is happy with the results. She likes to take long swims and find exotic shells

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