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Myra CIS


Character Name: Myra
Soul Name:

Gender: Female
Age: 30
Tribe Position: Dancer/singer
Secondary Tribe Position: gatherer
Magical Abilities: projection into the mind
Mother: Aileen
Father: ? 

Physical Attributes
Eyes: Blue green
Hair:  pale violet and curley, it is kept up in a loose bunch by a net off pearls and shells.  
Skin tone: slightly tan
Height: 5'6''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories
Clothes and Colours: guazy wrap around her top half and a gauzy skirt, both pale blue. Her boots are toe-less and heal-less and have a sea weed trim and gauzy "fins"
Jewelry: a tall necklace made of pearls and two hoops in each ear.
Special Possessions: 

Child Sitting
Decorative: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Direction Sense
Fishing: spear fishing 
Gathering: General (as in jack-of-all trades)  

a dagger 

Myra means "Quiet Song", she loves to sing. Her favorite way to sing is in sending and she has the ability to make you feel her feelings and see images in her songs. She always lends her voice to the dancers and to the story tellers. Her hair is a different color, a shade of violet, and she keeps it up with pearls and shells. She never got to meet her father, but feels she knows him thanks to her mothers stories and sendings. She is secretly in love with Phedra and no one knows it, but some suspect.

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