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Damara CIS


Character Name: Damara
Soul Name: 

Gender:  Female
Age: 6000
Tribe Position: Eldest female and flesh shaper, Mid-Wife
Secondary Tribe Position: Slight abilty to heal,
Magical Abilities: Helaing, flesh shaping
Recognized mate: Oriole
Daughter: Seabright
Recognized Lifemate; Corliss
Son: Burne
Son: Calder
Grandchildren: Phedra, Tallou and Lynn

Physical Attributes:
Eyes: turqouise
Hair: coper
Skin tone: slight tan
Height: from head to tip of tail - 5'11''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: Sea green tail with a blue shimmer to it, blue green and yellow fins. She wears a halter made of coral beads and pearls as well as a belt of the same stuff with sea shells hanging from it.
Jewelry: a silver dolphin pendant hanging from braided strip of her children's hair.
Special Possessions: A comb her mother gave her soon before she died

Crafting: Baskets
Child Sitting 
Healing: slight ability 
Fishing: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Gathering: Sea turtle eggs 
Herbal Healing: Elves or Animals
Herbal Healing: Application/Usage
Herbal Healing: Aromatherapy
Lore: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 

Two handed knife fighting  

Damara has recognized two different elves, Oriole and Corliss. She is lifemate to Corliss and has two children with him. She is a Flesh shaper, and she has the slight ability to heal. Her healing ability is not very strong and she doesn't use it very often, leaving the true healings to Symbols. She is an elder, and the mid wife of the clan.

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