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Aurelia CIS


Character Name: Aurelia
Soul Name:

Gender: Female
Age: 250
Tribe Position: Dancer 
Secondary Tribe Position: gatherer  
Magical Abilities: none
Mother: Candra 
Father: Beryl
Brother: LittleFish
Recognized Lifemate: Phedra 
Lifemate: Burne
Physical Attributes:
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long, wavey gold blonde hair. Front of it is pulled back into a but held back by a strand of sea green pearls and has sea shells on her forhead. There are loose strands of hair escaping from her bun.
Skin tone: slightly tan
Height: 5'10''

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: A loose fitting Pink, purple, green gauzy skirt attached to her purple strip of a top by sea green pearls and a sea shell; pink, purple, green gauzey material hangs from her shoulders as well. On her feet she has sea weed strands holding a sea shell on top of each foot.
Jewelry: None
Special Possessions: 

Skills :
Decorative: General (as in jack-of-all trades)  
Fishing: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Gathering: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Mimicry: general 


Aurelia is a dancer in the Deep Dwellers' clan, and is recognized to Phedra. She was with Burne for about 150 years before Phedra was born, and loves them both. When she recognized Phedra, Burne became distant and it hurt her greatly. She tried to reach him but he wouldn't come out of his den, and when he did he kept to himself. The child she had with Phedra died at birth and was never named. The child's death tore Aurelia's heart and she went to Burne for support and comfort. She asked him to den with her and Phedra and he finally agreed. He hated to see her so upset and put aside his anger to help her.

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