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Phedra CIS


Character Name: Phedra
Soul Name: 

Gender: Male
Age: 60
Tribe Position: Chief's son
Secondary Tribe Position: Scout
Magical Abilities: None
Lifemate: Aurelia
Child: dead of miscarriage

Physical Attributes:
Eyes: Gold
Hair: pale blonde, a little shaggy down to mid back, has two braids on either side of head braided to go behind his ears.
Skin tone: slightly tan
Height: 5'6''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours:  Green speedo type thing with a red orange sea shell on front and two pearls on eaither side of it. Blue leather from thigh to mid shin, has cut outs in it and seashells on the knees. A green neck thing with square cut outs and a red orange sea shell on front, green and blue leather strips wrapped around both bicepes.
Jewelry: One gold hoop in his left ear
Special Possessions:

Climbing (rocks) 
Fishing: General (as in jack-of-all trades)
Gathering: General (as in jack-of-all trades)  

On land a bow, under water a javelin 

Phedra recognized Aurelia at a young age. When it happened there was a problem, Burne got upset, and that made Aurelia upset. Her pregnancy was a tough one, and in the end, The baby died at birth. Phedra tried to comfort Aurelia, but she went to Burne instead. That hurt Phedra, but he understood. Aurelia came to him later and told him that she did love him, for he was the other half of her soul, and could not be apart from him, but she also loved Burne because they were together for so long, and she could not be apart from him either. Phedra longed to be with her so agreed to den with Burne and Aurelia.
Phedra means "Bright"

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