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LittleFish CIS


Character Name:  LittleFish
Soul Name:

Gender: Male
Age: 4
Tribe Position: child 
Secondary Tribe Position: helper 
Magical Abilities: none yet
Mother: Candra
Father: Beryl
Sister: Aurelia 

Physical Attributes:
Eyes:  green like his fathers
Hair: brown with blonde highlights, short and curley
Skin tone: slightly tan
Height: 3'
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: yellow short bottoms with a purpe strip around the waist and coral bead trim. A sea shell sits on front. Yellow swim boots with purple fins
Jewelry: sea weed strand necklace with a gold hoop
Special Possessions: collects shiny stones 

Climbing (rocks) 
Direction Sense
Gathering: Specific (click shells)

Littlefish is the youngest of the clan. He tries to play with Nerissa and Maris, but they wont hear of it. "You're just a pup" they like to say to him. so he tags along with Melusine, who puts up with it. He has a slight crush on her. He's learning to like helping his mother Candra in the boiler cave, preparing food for the clan. It's about all he's aloud to do right now. He has the heart of an explorer like his father, and vows that someday he is going to go farther then even he has gone. Even though his mother says over her dead body

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