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Beryl CIS


Character Name: Beryl
Soul Name:

Gender:  Male
Age: 800
Tribe Position: Explorer 
Secondary Tribe Position: Gaurd
Magical Abilities: Can shape any thing stone, including coral

Lifemate: Candra 
Daughter: Arelia
Son: Littlefish

Physical Attributes:
Eyes: Sea green
Hair:  Shoulder length, silver and loosely curley
Skin tone: Slightly tan.
Height: from head to tail tip - 5'10"
Marks/Scars (if any):  very prominent dimpals in his cheeks

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: a fish tail of silvery blue with yellow orange fins.
Jewelry: A gold circlet with a silver starfish pendant.
Special Possessions: a stone knife with a pearl pomel that his lifemate made for him. 

Direction Sense
First Aid: General (as in jack-of-all trades) or Specific (put which and what)
Fishing: General (as in jack-of-all trades) or Specific (put which and what) 
Herbal Healing: Application/Usage

His stone knife, but he's good with a spear as well  

Beryl means "Sea Green Jewel", like his eyes.
He likes to explore, and has been to many places the others are afraid to go. He is Brave, Stedfast, and reliable to a fault. Other then Lynn and Tallou, he is the only one to carry a knife all the time "You never know when you may need it" he likes to say when asked why. It's a gift from his lifemate, Candra. The pommel is pure pearl, shaped by her, and the blade is made of coral. He encourages his son Littlefish to explore, but Candra will have nothing to do with it, keeping him near her. He has the ability to shape anything stone, including coral.

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