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Symbols CIS


Character Name: Nyraphim/Symbols 

Gender:  Female
Age: Ageless
Tribe Position: Highone 
Secondary Tribe Position:  History Keeper
Magical Abilities: Has the power to enter your mind and shape skin.

children: White-Wave, Stillwater, Ranlyn, and Tresee

Physical Attributes:
Eyes: Sea weed green
Hair:  Very, very long, shaggy and grey. Held back by two Sea weed green ties and has strands of coral beads running through it.
Skin tone: pale with a slight green coloring where her fins are.
Height: from head to tail tip - 6'5''
Marks/Scars (if any):

Garments and Accessories:
Clothes and Colours: a fish tail with scales that extend up her front to her chest.
Jewelry: a coral beaded necklace with a shell pendant.
Special Possessions: a shard of the highones vessal. 

Crafting: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Child Sitting 
Decorative: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Direction Sense
Dream Interpretation
First Aid: General (as in jack-of-all trades)  
Gathering: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 
Herbal Healing: Elves or Animals
Herbal Healing: Application/Usage
Herbal Healing: Aromatherapy
Weaver: General (as in jack-of-all trades)

Symbols is one of the Highones of the Wavedancers, and the history keeper. She has the power to enter your mind and can always sense a lie. She rarely uses her gift though because she is very trusting. She believes there is good in everyone and tries to find it in them. Don't be fooled, she is far from naieve, and is never caught off guard. She is the mother of  four children only two of whom share the same father.

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