World of Danen - Cousins to Abode
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Welcome Nature

I have been drawing elves for about 16 years. I like to draw the elves form elfquest, but I have noticed I tend to create elves more then recreate Wendi's elves. On this site you will find all of my different created tribes for the world of Danen.  I hope you enjoy them.

The elves I created live on another planet. Just like the palace landing on the world of two moons, so did they travel to other places and planets. This particular planet is very similar to the world of two moons and even has some wolf blooded elves, though not many.

When their vessel landed here, the highones didn't scatter. They came to this planet deliberately for research reasons. They needed to find a new home, and found they liked it. Like the Highones we know they went in different directions, but they went prepared, to different climates to live in and to learn about. The humans didn't know they were there until the elves started traveling and were pretty much left alone. Some humans excepted them, but not all. Humans have a tendency to fear what they don't know. 
   Some went to live near the water, and then in it, to escape the humans. Some went to the forests, and plains. Others went to the mountains to burrow into them, more went to live in the snow and desert, and others cut themselves off from the rest of the world living in a jungle away from all else. They all meant to keep in touch and pass back and forth information, but the distance and the humans made that difficult. One set of Highones made it a point to travel from place to place keeping contact with each tribe. Over the years, wars with humans, sickness and accidents eventually killed a lot of the original landers, and moved the tribes and clans around. The traveling tribe became nomads, and eventually throughout generations and not being able to find most of the tribes any longer, forgot their original purpose of keeping communication between all elves. They became a traveling carnival, adapting their talents to acting for crowds, and to thievery (their own little way of getting at the humans).  They all lost track of each other, coming to believe that stories the Highones told about the other tribes were just that, stories.
Most of the drawing on here are just portraits of the elves I have created for my world of elves. I don't have them all up here, but I have most of them. Each tribe and clan has at least one highone in it because of the purpose of the landing, they came prepared for this world and survived longer then in Elf Quest.


Nothing on this site is true ElfQuest... It is all made up by me but with the same begining history.
"Elfquest art copyright 2002 Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved."