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Mountain Elves


When the highones landed here they specificaly wanted to research the mountains, believing they would make good, and large, homes for the elves to live in when shaped. This group was sent here to do just that, research the mountains. They traveled until they found one with extensive tunnels and caves that could be easily shaped and moved in. They started recognizing eachother, and the group got larger. They sent news to the other tribes via the traveling caravan, but eventually the caravan stopped coming. Not knowing what els to do they setteld in for good and kept recognizing. Soon there were so many of them they devided into classes. The highones taking over and claiming their young were better then the others and refusing to mix with the workers. They became the upper-class. Soon the magic users started doing the same thing with those that used their hands instead of magic, and they became the upper-middel-class, and so on and so forth. The mountain becams devided into classes and they all started to learn to live with it.
The Upper-class consists of the Highones, the first borns and thier imediate families. The Upper-middle-class consists of the Generals of the gaurd and soldiers, and the Magic Workers; The Rock shapers, the Treeshapers and the Healers. The Middle-class are the other workers such as the Soldiers, Seamstris and tanners, and crafters of jewelry and pottery. Then ther are the Laborors, or the Lower class. This consists of the Hunters, Blacksmith and weapons makers, Maids and the cooks.
If you are Upp-class you do not leave the mountain. You feel it is beneith you to do so and keep your feet clean by staying inside and haveing the lower classes do it for you. You are waited on hand and foot by the maids. If one of the Upper-class recognizes a lower class and it is Female, the child is raised upper class. If the upper-class is male and the lower class is female, the child is raised lower class. The child stays with the mother and there is rarely lifemating between classes and never lifemateing between Upper-class and the middle or lower class.
Maids wear uniforms so as not to be mistaken for something else, as do the cooks and hunters. The blacksmiths and weapons makers all wear long, thick, leather coats and gloves and work in the bowels of the mountain where the fires stay hot and so the heat of those fires can rise to the top of the mountain where the Upper-class lives. Warming the mountain on it's way up. 

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