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Desert Elves


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My desert elves. These elves live in a canyon called Crescent Canyon, because of the way it curves around. At the base of the canyon, an underground river surfaces and rushes out to find it's way underground again farther down the canyon. In the winter, the river floods with the coming of rain somewhere far away, so the elves have made there homes on the walls of the canyon. Their homes are shaped somewhat like a cocoon hanging off the wall. The skeleton is made of rock pulled and shaped from the canyon it's self, and then covered with a thick leather. There are three levels to each "cocoon"; a sleeping level in the bottom, a living area in the middle, and a sitting area on the top where it is open to the stars. The top is where they have their cooking fires. In the hottest part of the day, they all go into caves that have been shaped into the side of the mountain and that are hidden by their cocoons. Inside these caves they have a place to do their work, gardens; because it is to hot outside and nowhere else close enough to put them, and herbs and medicines that shouldn't be in the heat. At night, with he lanterns and candles lit inside, the cocoons glow.

There are bridges and landings linking the cocoons together, and one long rope bridge to cut right through the middle of the canyon so they don't have to go the long way around.
These cocoons are far enough down from the top to keep any predators from reaching them, and far enough up the wall to keep the water from reaching them in the flood season.

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