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Wink CIS


Character Name:  Wink
Soul Name: Unknown

Gender: Male
Age: 1000+
Tribe Position: Chief 
Magical Abilities:  Has a magic pendant that can control fog and mist
Lifemate: Tishka
Son: Cloudhand
Daughter: Mistwalk (eldest)
Son: Light

Physical Attributes
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Blue with two front braids tied with raspberry colored leather.
Skin tone: Pale
Height: 5'4''
Marks/Scars (if any): The tip of his ear is chipped off.

Garments and Accessories
Clothes and Colours: A dark raspberry tunic and head bandana, same color glves with tan trim and same color boots, tan pants and belt with silver buckle
Jewelry: Magic Mist Pendant of gold, silver and a ruby, two silver bands on each arm
Special Possessions: His magic pendant 
Direction Sense
First Aid: General (as in jack-of-all trades) 

Ride: horses

He uses two bright metal swords 

Animal Bond:
Never goes anywhere without his three dogs - Kahyl, Mitzel, and Chiptooth
History :
Wink is the leader of the Gypsie elves, and the holder of the Magic Mist Amulet. The Amulet gives the wearer the ability to control the fog, mist, clouds, anything of cloudy substance really, and is the reason for the name of their tribe - Mistwalkers. He is a very strict leader of his people and does not put up with disobediance. Yet he is forgiving. He is a strong leader and is training his son, Cloudhand, to be the next leader of the Mistwalkers always having him at his side.
  He got his name wink because his men know that when he wants something done all he has to do is wink at them. It's like his secret code for "take care of it".  He lost the tip of his ear as a child. He got caught stealing from a human and almost didn't  get away. The human chopped at him, but only got his ear.

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